"The son of the lord of Pharae Principality, Roy was studying in Ostia when the Kingdom of Bern invaded the League of Lycia. His father fell ill at this time, so Roy assumed leadership of Pharae's armies. After his fateful meeting with the Princess Guinevere, his destiny became inextricably linked with the fate of the entire continent."
In a nutshell, Roy
is the son of a powerful ruler named
Eliwood in The Kingdom of Lycia. When his father fell
ill, Roy took over as
the commander of the armies. He led his army
across the continent, defeating the armies of Bern, until, finally, he
met Princess Guinevere. Roy
then took it upon
himself to go and save not only his homeland, but the whole continent
from this outside threat.
Roy probably
joined the Stadium after seeing Prince Marth
of Altea do
the same. Roy is a
flashy fighter, using his own sword, the Sword of
Seals, to pull off amazingly powerful attacks, mostly fire-based. He's
an average, 15 year old fighter, and acts with the same rebellious
nature typical of kids his age. Unlike the other teens at the Stadium, Ness
and Mike, however, Roy
has true power, politically and physically,
and he will go out of his way to let you know it.
In actuality, there have been a few cases where Roy
has powergamed his
way to victory. He defeated anyone who challenged him, even forcing Killer to leave the
Stadium. It wasn't until the brave Young
Link took Roy
on that the
"Fire Emblem Fighter Saga" was put to rest. The Stadium
is currently keeping a close eye on Roy,
trying to estimate his next
move, as well as his motives for challenging the fighters in such a