Match #51

The question: What is the best RPG?

Stage: Peach's castle

Lemmy: Hello, and welcome to another exciting battle in Super Smash Stadium!

Iggy: Today's battle is to determine the best style of RPG games.

Lemmy: Let's go to tape!

Lord Reid: (Tapes Lemmy's mouth shut) Sloom!

Iggy: Uhh... (Pops in the tape)

Ness: Hey, Mario!

Mario: What, a-is it, a-lil' guy?

Ness: I was wondering if you wanted to come back to my office and play some Earthbound.

Mario: Why not a-play Mario RPG?

Ness: Well, I'd much rather play a good game. Earthbound has a much better style.

Link: Of course, we all know that RPG battles are bad in general. A game needs field battles to be good.

Pikachu: PIKA PIKA!

Mario: What he a-said!

Ness: RPG battles are the best! Four fighting as one!

Mario: Excuse a-me, Ness, but the games are much a-better when you only use three characters.

Ness: Well, you're fat!

Pikachu: PIKAMOO!

Link: Uhh... (backs away from Pikachu)

Mario: Let's a-settle this in the a-ring! I will a-prove that Mario RPG is the a-best RPG ever!

Ness: I'm on!

Link: Count me in!

Pikachu: Pika pika!

Ness: Those be fighting words!

Lemmy: (Stops the tape) Personally, I have to side with Link on this one...

Iggy: No way, Pikachu's right! You heard that speech!

Lemmy: No I didn't... What do you think, Lord Reid?

Lord Reid: (Arguing with the wall) No... CAPPUCCINO!

Wall: You suck.

Lord Reid: WHAT?!?!? (Kicks the wall)

Lemmy: Hey, that's an expensive wall!

Iggy: It's Styrofoam...

Lemmy: Well, I paid for that Styrofoam!

Iggy: No you didn't, VG did.

Lemmy: Then by all means, smash away.

Iggy: The rules for this match are as follows.

Lemmy: Two lives for each fighter.

Lord Reid: Ha! My cat has more lives than that!

Lemmy: Didn't you hit your cat with a car?

Lord Reid: Poor dog...

Iggy: You mean cat.

Lord Reid: Oh... yeah... (Winks)

Yoshi: (Runs in) POOCHY WAS HIT BY A CAR!

Lord Reid: (Walks away casually)

Lemmy: (Throws yoshi out of the commentator box)

Iggy: The item rate is whatever the heck we want.

Lord Reid: And there will be no time limit.

Lemmy: Didn't you walk away?

Lord Reid: Eh. (Shrugs)

Iggy: Anyway... Super Smash Stadium today proudly brings to you....

Lemmy: The clown prince, Lemmy K!

Iggy: The four-eyed Iggy K!

Lord Reid: The kujian king, Lord Reid!

Iggy: And now, for the thousands in attendance...

Lemmy: And the millions...

Lord Reid: And seven point five...

Lemmy: Watching worldwide...

Lord Reid: And in America.


Lord Reid: (Smashes the wall) That'll show you not to talk back!

Lemmy: Link starts off with a spinning sword attack, knocking Lardio and Freakachu away!

Iggy: Ness procedes to bash them with his yo-yo!

Lord Reid: I was never really good with yo-yos...

Lemmy: Me neither...

Iggy: I could never get them good either, but I could always pull of a sleeper.

Lemmy: Isn't that when it goes down and doesn't come back up?


Lord Reid: The voices! (Smashes the radio)

Iggy: Mario's taken a beating already!

Lemmy: He fights back with his Super Jump Punch!

Lord Reid: How can he jump so high when he weighs so much?

Lemmy: ...

Iggy: ...

Lemmy: Dot dot dot....

Lord Reid: I blame the government.

Iggy: Don't we all?

Lemmy: No.

Iggy: (Dope slaps Lemmy) Link grabs Ness with the Hookshot and tosses him back a bit!

Lemmy: And he hits Pikachu's thunderbolt in mid air! That's gonna hurt in the morning!

Lord Reid: It IS the morning.

Iggy: It's 4 in the afternoon...

Lord Reid: (Nods) The morning.

Lemmy: Ness recovers with a PK thunder tackle!

Lord Reid: Raping the other three on his return!

Iggy: That'll teach them not to stand near the edge...

Digimon Emperor: That's just wrong...

Lemmy: How'd you get here?

Digimon Emperor: ... (Gravity is defied as he is flung through the roof)

Iggy: Link glances at Mario, who glances back!

Link: What do ya say, Mario? Miyamoto's Heroes once again?

Mario: I'm a-game!

Lemmy: Looks like Mario and Link are teaming up! They're pummeling pikachu!

Lord Reid: I always knew Mario liked the company of other men...

Iggy: Uhh... Mario has a girlfriend.

Lord Reid: ... (Defies gravity and is flung through the roof)

Lemmy: Uhh... Pikachu uses thunder!

Iggy: Mario and Link are shocked! Mario is Koed by the blast!

Lord Reid: It's electric! (Dances the electric slide)

Digimon Emperor: Didn't you get flung through the roof?

Lord Reid: Didn't you?

(Twilight zone music plays)

Lemmy: Link grabs Pikachu and flings away!

Iggy: Ness break dances!

Lord Reid: (Break Dances)

Lemmy: ??? Anywho... Pikachu dies.

Iggy: Why haven't we thrown anything in yet?

Lemmy: Kujian.

Lord Reid: (Eats a maximum tomato) I don't see how these things are fruits....

Digimon Emperor: It is because their seeds are visible to the naked eye.

Lord Reid: My eye is not a nudist, you pervert!

Digimon Emperor: (Is flung through the roof once again)

Lemmy: They've gotta stop doing that. It's costing us a fortune in new roofs.

Iggy: VGW is paying, not us.

Lemmy: Then by all means, smash the roof.

Iggy: Ness and Link face off!

Digimon Emperor: Shouldn't you be activating the lift to revive Mario and Pikachu?

Lemmy: Maybe...

Iggy: How did you...?

Digimon Emperor: Don't ask. It's not pretty.

Lord Reid: I'm pretty.

Lemmy: We know I'm pretty.

Lord Reid: No, I'm pretty!

Lemmy: You smell.

Lord Reid: Smell... like a fox!

VGW on Radio: Someone turn on the lifts already!

Lemmy: Oh, right. (Turns on the lifts)

Lord Reid: Flintstones, meet the flintsones! They're the modern stone-age family! From the town of bedrock, their a place right out of history! Let's ride with the fmmly durn le feetle... (Falls asleep)

Lemmy: Uhh.. right...

Bob Dole: Problem solved.

Digimon Emperor: The me wannabe, Ness, picks up a bumper and throws it at pikachumon!

Iggy: Pikachu rapes it, knocking it back toward Ness!

Digimon Emperor: That plan seemed to work a bit backwards.

Lord Reid: Sometimes I like to wear my pants backwards.

Lemmy: Aren't you asleep?

Lord Reid: Yes. Yes I am.

Lemmy: Link grabs the ultimate weapon!

Lord Reid: Tinky-winkie?

Digimon Emperor: Apocolymon?

Iggy: Exor?

Lemmy: Actually... it's a hammer.

Lord Reid: A tinky-winkie hammer?

Digimon Emperor: He bashes Mario, Pikachu, and Ness into the void!

Iggy: Pikachu and Mario are gone!

Lord Reid: AHH! BUTTONS!

Digimon Emperor: Buttons?

Lemmy: Link smashes a bob-omb and is blown away!


Iggy: You need to cut down on the coffee...

Lord Reid: Cappachino faced furby!

Digimon Emperor: (Jumps out the window)


Lemmy: Eh. (Shrugs)

Lord Reid: VOICES! (Bashes the Radio more)

Iggy: Only Link and Ness are left!

Digimon Emperor: Ness blasts him with PK fire and grabs a ray gun!

Lemmy: Didn't you jump out the window?

Digimon Emperor: Don't question the system, Koopamon.

Lemmy: Koopamon...?

Iggy: Ness starts blasting Link with the ray gun!

Lord Reid: Tastes like antelope lamps. © Reid Co.

Iggy: That doesn't even make sense....

Lord Reid: Sloom. © Reid Co.

Lemmy: He's run out of shots!

Digimon Emperor: He uses the gun as a projectile and throws it at Link.

Link: Crapish... © Reid Co.

Lemmy: Link is knocked back, but a spinning sword attack catches the edge!

Iggy: Ness grabs a pokeball!

Digimon Emperor: He throws it, revealing a Blastoismon.

Lemmy: The Blastoise blasts Link back! Pun fully intended.

Iggy: Link grabs Ness in his hookshot and throws him backwards!

VGW on Radio: You're finally taking this seriously!


Lemmy: Ness makes his first jump!

Lord Reid: (Picks up the radio)

Iggy: His second jump...

Lord Reid: UP YOURS, STUPID VOICES! (Throws the Radio)

Digimon Emperor: He starts the PK thunder and brings it around!

Lemmy: The PK thunder hits a small, gray box with an antenna! It's nullified!

Iggy: He hits the bottom! Ness is out!

Digimon Emperor: That's no box... it's a radio.

Judge: This game's winner is... CRONO!

Link: Crono?

Judge: Yes. We all took a vote and decided that Crono Trigger is a much better RPG than any of your games.

Crono: ...

Link: (Glares at Crono) What do you have to say for yourself?

Crono: ...

Link: You think you're too good to talk to me?

Crono: ...

Link: Those be fighting words!

Crono: "..." (Punches Link in the gut)

Link: HEY!

Crono: (Defies gravity and is flung through the roof)

Ness: (Walks into the commentating booth) That was rigged! I should have won!

Lord Reid: (Shrugs) © Reid Co.

Ness: You threw that Radio!

Lord Reid: Maybe © Reid Co.

Ness © Reid Co.: I saw you throw... what's this? I am not copyrighted to Reid Co © Reid Co.

Lord Reid: Sure you are © Reid Co.

Ness © Reid Co: AM NOT! You suck! © Reid Co

Lord Reid: Suck like a fox! © Bob Dole

Ness © Reid Co © Bob Dole: What's happening? © Reid Co ©Bob Dole

Bob Dole: Reid Co © Bob Dole was never copyrighted by Reid Co © Bob Dole, so I copyrighted it!

Lord Reid: Well, I'm copyrighting Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co...

Bob Dole: Damn... Bob Dole © Reid Co knew he should have copyrighted that...

Digimon Emperor: Their idiocy is giving me a headache...

Lord Reid: LIKE A FOX!

Lemmy: Uhh... the end!

Iggy: Yeah, the end!

Lemmy: See you next week!

Iggy: Same Smash time, same Smash network!

Lemmy: For another exciting edition of....

All: SUPER SMASH STADIUM © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co © Bob Dole © Reid Co...

(Ten hours later)

VGW on Radio: Hello? Who's a fox? What'd I miss? © Reid Co.

Zer ©Zer Co.: Zer©Zer Co. (got to make sure Reid doesn't try anything funny...)

Thanks to myself for the remake of the missing part of this match and code-fixing.
Special thanks to Ter for reporting that the match was not working properly.
Very special thanks to our fans just for being there.