Part I | Part II | Part III



(Knight and Tomintul head out into the Stadium.)

Knight: So do we have any idea where Hyperion is?

Tomintul: Not a clue. But knowing him, he won't be hard to find. Hey, here's someone! Carter!

Long time no see!

Carter: Tom, what's going on? Some vampire guy just knocked me over in the hall!

Knight: Vampire guy? Hyperion!

Carter: Hyperion? Wasn't that that Myotismon who trashed the SPs a while back?

Tomintul: Yes, it was. Look, do you know where he was headed?

Carter: Yeah, it looked like he was heading out of the stadium. Do you need me to go with you? Maybe call the rest of Lemmy's Knights for backup?

Tomintul: No, thank you. We've got it.

Knight: (Aside) You sure, Tom? We could use his help.

Tomintul: (Aside) I think the less people from my time we involve the better.

Knight: (Aside) Alright. (To Carter) Thanks for the offer but no, we have to do this ourselves.

Carter: Alright, good luck then. When you see him be sure to give him a good wallop for me!

Knight: Will do!

(Knight and Tomintul leave the Stadium.)

Knight: Hmm. Doesn't look too out of place here.

Tomintul: I suppose we should start asking around.

(Five minutes later...)

Knight: Well, that was productive. Still no leads.

Tomintul: You know, somehow I thought he'd be easier to find then this.

Strange Man: Excuse me. Are you two the ones looking for Hyperion?

Tomintul: That's right. Do you know where he is?

Strange Man: Of course. You will find him in the Endless Field.

Knight: The Endless Field? Alright...

Tomintul: Well, let's go. Thanks for your help, weird guy.

Strange Man: (Under his breath) You won't be thanking me when you get there.

(Knight and Tomintul head toward the Endless Field to find Hyperion.)




Iggy: No, Venusaur!

Adam: They both are caught in the blasts!

Lemmy: I wanted Charmander...

Iggy: As the Venusaur leaves; Samus uses her flame-thrower once again!

Lemmy: Charma...

Adam: But no Charmander.

Iggy: (Looks back at Flip, then at the audience, as he catches glance of someone who looks like Flip sitting right in the third row) ??? (Double takes, then shakes it off and goes back to commentating)

Flip: (Whistles) I guess as long as they don't leave this booth, and things are going normally outside, my job is getting done... I might as well look for Goshi, though that's not the highest of priorities right now. Gotta prevent some sort of temporal distortion first and foremost...

(The match continues until the post-show, where Flip is waiting outside the door after getting a drink and walking up and down the hall a few times, and, as far as he knows, unnoticed)

Flip: (Crushes his cup) Ugh... I need a more interesting job.

Lemmy: (Walks out, laughing) I guess that threw the fans for a whirl when they learned about Cala.

Adam: You're telling me. They are really easy to shock sometimes. I wonder why...

Iggy: (Follows after the two, but stops outside the doorway, letting them move on) Flip... I need to ask you something.

Flip: Hm? Shoot.

Iggy: What the hell are you doing back here?

Flip: X.x

Iggy: You know that it's authorized personnel only up here. You need a keycode and a PIN to even take breathe the air up here. You have neither of these on you.

Flip: Funny you should mention that... You see, I was looking for Goshi, okay, because he let me in, but had to run off on an errand. He didn't say how long, and what for, but I haven't seen him since. So I wandered around, aimlessly, trying to find him.

Iggy: Uh-huh... And this explains the SP-only issued ring that you're wearing around your finger. And the "I HEART being a Superpower" boxers you're wearing outside your shell. And that tattoo on your knuckles that goes "F-L-I-P-I-S-S-P." Flip... you've been trying to smuggle your way in here, haven't you?

Flip: Yeah, yeah! That's exactly it. I've been counterfeiting my own identity as a Superpower to gain access to all your knowledge. But don't punish me for it. I learned my lesson, and I am on my way out... (Turns face and heads for the doors)

???: Not so fast, my amigo.

Flip and Iggy: ???

(A large slash of energy flies between the two, splitting them apart and sending them to opposite sides of the hall)

Flip: Crap! (Checks around) There's nobody here but us, and... and... who?

???: A-ha-ha-ha! (Throws back cape) It is me, the great Meta Knight!

Everyone here is wearing SOMETHING on their face.

Flip: (Disappointed) Why isn't your name pink?

Editor: Woah, woah. Hang on a sec! Have respect for the fourth wall! What the hell are you thinking?! This is before we even made him pink!

Flip: Oh, right... (Slinks back into his previous composure) Wait... Meta Knight? But why?

Meta Knight: For years, the Superpowers have denied us the glory of a good fight here at the Stadium! We have trained many painstaking hours to earn their trust. We have battled the greatest, the best. We even fought your Superpowers in a battle to the DEATH! But we have nothing to show for it except our sweat and our tears, and the stench of failure! This, my friends, is for all those little guys, the neglected and the poor villains who never had a chance to join the esteemed ranks of your fighting league, who were laughed at and thrown into the streets like filthy rodents! This is the cry of a people yearning for FREEDOM! We are... THE FEARSOME FIVE!! (Looks towards the sky, reverently, with the fire burning in his eyes)

Iggy: ...the Fearsome Five... Never heard of 'em.

Flip: Double Crap! ...uh (Faking it) Well, neither have I! ... -_-

Meta Knight: Your foolishness is bested only by your naiveté. If I were in your position, I would have ran when I had the chance. But your ignorance has led my blade to your very souls, which I will now rasp with the fury of a thousand burning suns! (Leaps high into the air) HIYAH!

Flip: Burning? (Tosses a fireball Meta Knight's way, then rolls as Meta Knight lands and shatters the tile, body ablaze)

Meta Knight: (Throws off his fiery cape) Hmph. (Throws back his sword, and dashes)

Iggy: I suggest we get out of here soon.

Flip: Agreed.

(Flip and Iggy dash down the hall as Meta Knight charges towards them. One of the doors opens, and out pops Fox)

Fox: What's all this commotion about...? (Peers down the hall) AH! (Dives backwards and flushes, then runs after the three, buckling his belt) Looks like some action! (Pulls out and reloads his pistol)

(Further down the hall)

Meta Knight: (Runs along the walls, and then jumps and kicks off the ceiling, right for Flip and Iggy)

Iggy: Time to use our shells!

Flip and Iggy: (Dive into the shells and slide down the hall, narrowly missing an attack)

Meta Knight: HURGH! This ends NOW! (Draws sword over his head and unleashes a large twister down the hallway, tearing apart chairs, plants and the water cooler) Dodge my ultimate attack! Ha-ha-ha! (Laughs, leaning on sword)

(The sword is shot, knocking Meta Knight on his face)

Meta Knight: (Jumps up, fuming) Who DARES make me fall on my face?

Fox: (Blows smoke from his pistol) Just your friendly neighborhood hired gun.

Flip: (Comes out of his shell) Ha-HA! We've got him now! Look at Fox!

Iggy: I'm not so sure about this...

Fox: (Charges in place, then rockets off) FIRE!!

Meta Knight: (Counters, sending Fox crashing through a nearby window) You fool! (Jumps after him through the hole)

Iggy: !!!!!!! THE R&D LAB! (Runs and jumps through the hole in the glass)

Flip: (Shrugs) More interesting than babysitting (Jumps through)



Saiyaman: All right, let's get him!

(Saiyaman and Trunks both swing with their swords. Megadramon blocks them with his metallic hands, leaving him open to a flying kick from Megaman.)

Megadramon: Mega Range Beam! (Strikes all three with his mouth laser.)

Megaman: Yeow! (Starts firing Mega Buster shots at Megadramon's head.)

Megadramon: (Blocks the shots.)

Saiyaman: Justice Kick! (Slams into Megadramon's unguarded stomach, then dives down to avoid Megadramon's counter-attack.)

Trunks: Buster Cannon! (Blasts Megadramon in the face)

Megadramon: Arrrgghh! (Flies back a bit) Metal Splinter!

(A large bevy of junk items fly towards Saiyaman, Trunks and Megaman. All three of them take defensive poses, but as soon as the junk storm ends, Megadramon flies in and slams all of them with a tail whip, knocking them backwards)

Saiyaman: Dash n' Slash! (Zips towards Megadramon, only to have his attacked blocked) Oh, darn it.

Megadramon: (Backhands Saiyaman away)

Trunks: He seems to be able to block most of our attacks. We need a strategy!

Megaman: He doesn't appear to be too good at multiple attacks.

Saiyaman: That's it! Quick, distract him! I'll power up something big!

Megadramon: Not a chance! Giga Freeze! (Breathes freezing breath at them)

Megaman: (Melts the breath with Fire Storm.) Now!

(Trunks and Megaman fly over and grab Megadramon's arms)

Megadramon: What the? Let go!

(Megadramon fires his Mega Range Beam at both of them, which they duck. Meanwhile, Saiyaman powers up his finishing move)

Megadramon: No, you don't! Rocket Attack!

(Megadramon attempts to lift his arms to fire, only to have them held down by Megaman and Trunks.)

Megaman: All set?

Saiyaman: You bet! PULL!

(Trunks and Megaman hurl Megadramon right into Saiyaman's path.)

Megadramon: Uh-oh.

Saiyaman: Super Kamehameha!

(Saiyaman blasts Megadramon with a large energy wave, sending him riding it all the way over the horizon to who knows where)

Megadramon: (As he flies out) Curse you all! I'll return, you'll see!

Megaman: Phew. Is that all of them?

Trunks: Looks like it. I haven't seen any more generic lackeys come in after that guy.

Saiyaman: All right then, time for a cold one!

Megaman: Huh?

Saiyaman: Soda, that is.

Trunks: Wait, we have to get back and help protect Dr. Light in case that Megadramon comes back with reinforcements!

Saiyaman: You're right.

(The three of them head back to where Dr. Light is.)



Tomintul: What's the matter, Knight? You look down.

Everybody's looking glum...

Knight: One of my friends died here.

Tomintul: I see. Let me guess: they're still alive in this time and you're considering warning them? You know you can't do that, right?

Knight: Yeah, but I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't at least try, would I?

Tomintul: ... How did they die?

Knight: They died protecting the city. But their enemy was so strong. They didn't even stand a chance.

Tomintul: I wouldn't worry about it. They died honorably in battle, protecting what they care about. I'd say that's a good death. I'd feel worse about stopping it then I would about losing my friend.

Knight: But why? You mortals live such short lives, I would think you'd want to protect it as long as possible.

Tomintul: I suppose there's just some things worth dying for. Besides, now that I know I'm going to die soon I can get my affairs in order.

Knight: Tom?

Tomintul: Well, you were talking about me, weren't you?

Knight: I...

Hyperion: Well, isn't this quaint.

Tomintul & Knight: Hyperion!


Hyperion: Just to let you know, Tomintul, Knight was wrong. You're not going to die protecting the city, because you're both going to die right now.

Tomintul: Ha, we've faced stronger opponents then you, Hyperion! (Tomintul readies his sword.)

Knight: Your plan ends here, Hyperion! Transform! (Knight transforms into Hellfire Seraph EX)

Hyperion: Pathetic creatures. I might have let you live as Powers' slaves. But you just don't know when to give up. Come then, if you are so eager to die, come and embrace oblivion!

(Back in the present...)

Pat: GG, we're getting a feed on the video monitors! It's from Season 2. Knight and Tomintul have found Hyperion!

Game Guru: Well then, I'd say we have a job to do.

Pat: Right!


Blue TeamRed Team

GG: Hyperion is a crafty one. He's lured them into the Endless Field for a reason: this infamous arena is the only official SSS Arena not protected by the SSS safety barrier, meaning all damage done is REAL and any deaths here are final.

Pat: I wouldn't worry about it. Not even Hyperion is a match for two Knights of Lemmy.

GG: We shall see. Tomintul rushes in, but his sword has no effect on the Myotismon.

Pat: Knight follows suit, but even his giant sword is blocked effortlessly. Both the knights slash furiously at Hyperion, but to no avail.

GG: Hyperion uses his Crimson Lightning move, blasting both knights away with a bloody whip.

Pat: Knight and Tomintul take on a different tactic. Knight falls back and begins charging his cannon while Tomintul moves forward.

GG: Tomintul uses his Hyper Ball attack, followed by a few consecutive Hyper Copters, keeping Hyperion on the defensive.

Pat: Hyperion uses his Grisly Wing move, sending a swarm of bats at Tomintul. He slips past while the sword master is fighting them off.

GG: Knight is still charging! Tomintul rushes in to his aid, leaping onto Hyperion's back. Hyperion throws him off and lashes him with his Crimson Lightning move while he's down.

Pat: Ouch. And Knight is still charging. What move does he have that takes this long?

GG: I have no idea. Hyperion pulls back for another Crimson Lightning!

Pat: He's just about to release it when Tomintul attacks him from behind with a Hyper Wave!

GG: Hyperion has had enough. He turns around and uses his Nightmare Claw attack. Tomintul is paralyzed temporarily and collapses.

Knight: Too late, Hyperion! This is the end! SHINING HEAVENS...

Pat: Knight spreads his six wings and flies into the background. Who does he think he is? Lugia?

Knight: ...HOLY CANNON!

GG: And Knight fires a five foot wide laser beam from his cannon arm. It all looks very impressive but there's no way this slow move is going to hit.

Pat: Wait! Hyperion's just standing there! What's he doing?

GG: It's a direct hit! I can't see anything through the dust, though. Did they win?

Pat: Knight's not through yet. He flies upward...


GG: ...and he comes down into the dust cloud.


Pat: And a flash of crimson sends him hurtling into the ground. What was that?

Hyperion: You arrogant fool! Not even VGW's Armageddon could stop me! Did you honestly think THAT would work?

Knight: Honestly?

Tomintul and Knight: Yeah.

Hyperion: Stupid.

GG: Oy vey...

Pat: Well, I guess we start writing their epitaphs. Do you know if Knight had a will?

GG: It's not that simple!

Pat: What? You think he has relatives who'll dispute the will?

GG: No, I mean Tomintul is supposed to die at the end of Season 2. If he dies now it'll create a time paradox. Every second Hyperion is in the past the present changes more and more. If he causes a change of this magnitude, who knows what will happen!

Pat: The universe will implode?

GG: Well, maybe not that severe...

Knight: Tomintul, I have one last plan. (Knight whispers something to Tomintul.)

GG: If he says the words "Soviet Onion" I'm leaving.

Pat: The what?

Tomintul: Are you sure it will work?

Knight: It has to.

Hyperion: What are you fools talking about now?

GG: Yes, what are you fools talking about now?

Knight: Now, Tom! Do it!

Tomintul: Knights, to arms!

Pat: At least he didn't say "Titans, go."

GG: Knight and Tomintul both run to different sides of Hyperion. Knight disappears into the tall grass of the field, while Tomintul uses his Hyper Hologram move. And the hologram also uses the move...again...and again...

Pat: Hyperion is attacked by the army of Tomintuls!

GG: He attacks them back but he can't find the right one! He's just killing clones!

Pat: Knight is transforming again! I get it, Tomintul was buying time for him again! Let's just hope this time he has a bigger gun...

Knight: Ultimate weapon of destruction, activate! (Knight hold his arms out then they abruptly bend backward and extend, burying themselves in the ground. His six wings fold together into metal claws and move to the front of his body. Huge heat sinks erupt from Knight's back as lightning begins to flow over him. His chest plate opens with a hiss of steam, revealing his power core. The "claws" begin spinning swiftly around, drawing out a huge ball of energy. Around Knight matter and energy swirl into the energy ball as the ground is blasted away by the power.)

GG: I'd say that's a bigger gun.

Knight: Apollyon...FIRE!!!!!

Pat: Knight fires his most powerful attack. Hyperion notices, obviously, and he jumps high up out of the way.

GG: Wait! Tomintul, the real one, is there waiting for him!

Tomintul: Where do you think you're going? Hyper Stab!

Pat: Tomintul uses his aerial down B move, blasting Hyperion back down into the path of the attack!

Hyperion: Grrrraaaa...ahhhh....NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (Hyperion explodes into waves of data that wash over the endless field.)

GG: I think it's over.

Pat: The smoke clears...Hyperion is defeated!

This match's winners are...TOMINTUL AND KNIGHT9910!

Pat: They did it! They defeated Hyperion!

GG: Yes, now come on. We have to get to the time hole.

(Both leave. Back in the past...)

Knight: (Transforms back into his Knight armor and falls to his knees) Did we win?

Tomintul: I think so. He's reverted back to an egg. We beat him.

Knight: Great. (Knight puts his hand to his ear, activating an internal communicator.) Guys, you there? We got him.

Tomintul: Well then, I guess that's it. We should get back to the Stadium.

Knight: Right.



(Meanwhile, Dyria is exiting her office for her lunch break)

Dyria: (Locking the door) Mm.. I can't wait to get at that pastrami grinder. I just hope somebody didn't grab it out of the employee fridge and eat it first... (Remembers that one time with Wario)

???: Hello pretty lady! :D

Dyria: Hm? (Turns around, and screams as she is tied and gagged)

???: My beautiful bride! (Bounds off down the hall with their new prize)



Meta Knight: Hmph! Hah! Go! (Grabs and tosses any item he can find)

Flip: Ack! (Ducks to avoid a flying shell)

Fox: (Trying to shoot Meta Knight, but can't aim)

Iggy: Aim where he's going to be, not where he is!

Meta Knight: Hahaha! FOOLS! (Throws down a Pokéball)

Missingno: . . . (Room glitches, and everything is warped for a split second)

I blame Japanese programming.

Meta Knight: -_-;;

Flip: -_-;;

Iggy: -_-;;

Fox: Ha! What kind of attack was that? (Tail is on fire) !!! (Runs around the room trying to shake it off)

Flip: ... I'll take care of this. (Fixes his glasses, and jumps for Meta Knight)

Meta Knight: Hm! (Throws his sword down, but is tackled to the wall, knocking over machines and racks for items as he tumbles)

Flip: (Rolls with Meta Knight, and pushes him to the floor) Where's the rest of the Fearsome Five? I know well what you intend to do, and it's not gonna happen on my watch! (Holds back one hand and fires up a Plasma Ball)

Meta Knight: Hmhmhm... (Reaches and holds up a lit Bob-omb)

Flip: You... lousy... fuc..


(A hole in the wall is blown out, and outside is nothing but sky. The wind enters the room and starts blowing around those inside, kicking up loose debris)


Meta Knight: (Brushes himself, then dashes to just before the hole) Adios, amigos. (Dives out the hole, and freefalls from the top floor before crashing into the area below)

Flip: (Runs to the window) ...the basement of the Stadium. (Looking down at the hole Meta Knight made in the ceiling below) That's where they're hiding. (Climbs up)

Fox: (Kissing tail, he then looks up) You can't go it alone, Flip.

Flip: I have to. He wants it that way.

Iggy: lab...

Fox: And what about Goshi? Hm?

Flip: ...maybe they know.

Iggy: ...there's something you're leaving out. On purpose.

Flip: Maybe I am. Maybe. (Turns, and steps out of the wall, falling towards the basement)

Iggy: (Crawls up the hole, and peeks out) It's a long drop.

Fox: Hey... I'm a risk taker by trade. (Motions to Iggy) I can handle it. (Leans out, and leaps with his arms spread wide) Whatever it may be, I can't sit by and let it happen...

Iggy: That Fox... He's always had an eye out for our Stadium since the beginning. Some would say he even controlled the other fighters, he's that involved. But he's too dangerous. He's got a death wish. ...I'd hate to be
his enemies.


Iggy: >.>
...just thinking aloud. (Grabs a parasol off the floor, and leaps out the hole, floating gently down to the basement below)
