If you have seen some fights and didn't understand what the bold stuff was, this is where you will find the truth. The stuff that I'm pointing out will be underlined for your convience and mine.

To find out how the colors work, click here.

SSS Matchup Key Prior to Season 4

What is it? Explanation Visual Example Stock Mode, Time Mode, or both modes?
Fighter's names Letters are used to represent each combatants. Each one uses the first letter of the fighters name, except for those pointed out at the Color Key page. Lu0 Y0 (Luigi and Blue Yoshi are fighting now) Both modes
Damage Numbers next to the letters (characters) indicate that players current damage percentage. M0 Lu300 (Mario is at perfect health, while Luigi is at 300%) Both modes
Near Death Near Death, or ND, indicates a near death for the player (Where they go over the edge, but jump back). M55ND Lu300 (Mario had a near death experience at 55% health) Both modes
Death Number The Death Number, or D# (# is a number), is used to indicate the number of deaths for a player. M0D2 Lu300D0 (Mario has died twice, while Luigi hasn't died yet) Stock Mode
Out When a fighter has no more lives, they will be labeled as "Out of the Game" and can't participate for the rest of the match. CF123 S(OUT) (Samus has been knocked out of the match, and Captain Falcon wins) Stock Mode
Score The score shows you how many points a certain fighter has during the match. L32+2 Lu300= J67-2 (Link has two points, Jigglypuff has negative two points, and Luigi has 0 points [= equals zero]) Time Mode
Time The time shows how much time the fighters have left to beat each other senseless. P23ND J12 2:12 (Pikachu and Jigglypuff have two minutes and twelve seconds left to fight) Time Mode
Stars The Star count (St) is only used in Mario Party-type matches (like this double header). Each star collected is worth one point. In addition, each fighter gets extra points depending on final placement, so if someone gets a lot of stars and last place "normally", the stars could help him/her end up in first instead. W0 St2 K34 St1 (Wario has two stars; Kirby has one.

Both Modes


If you have any questions regarding this key, feel free to email us.